Benefit Ball - DuPage Children's Museum

Love Bug Dance | Thursday, February 13

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2022 Play Soirée

SATURDAY  |  JUNE 18, 2022  |  5:30 PM


301 N Washington St  |  Naperville, IL 60540


5:30 PM  |  Cocktails and Joyful Discovery

6:30 PM  |  Program and Presentation of Great Friend to Kids Award  to Dorri C. McWhorter, President and CEO of YMCA Metropolitan Chicago

7:00 PM  |  Dinner and Entertainment


RSVP BY JUNE 1, 2022
$250 per person
$2500 for table of ten
Casual Cocktail Attire

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I am unable to attend, but I would like to make a donation!

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Sony Anand  |  [email protected]

2022 Great Friend To Kids Award Recipient


Dorri C. McWhorter

DuPage Children’s Museum has selected Dorri C. McWhorter as the recipient of the 2022 Great Friend to Kids Award (GFTK). This award honors those that make outstanding contributions toward enriching the lives of children.

Dorri McWhorter became President and CEO of YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago in August 2021. Prior to joining the YMCA, Dorri served for 8 years as the CEO of YWCA Metropolitan Chicago transforming the organization from a traditional social service organization to 21st Century social enterprise.

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Help DCM

Keep the Play Growing


Develop cutting-edge experiences that foster curiosity, creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving in young children.



Ensure access to important early learning opportunities for children and families with social, cognitive, or financial challenges.



Advance early learning through interactive hands-on play in the Museum, schools, local communities, and at home.



Expand support for local schools and non-profit partners to deliver hands-on arts and STEM activities.



Deliver training to frontline social service providers to advance play as an essential component of early childhood development.



Offer unique physical materials and books to support learning through play activities.


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