Love Bug Dance | Thursday, February 13
Back by popular demand!
Art is Instruments comes back reimagined – with MORE emphasis placed on experiencing artwork together.
Be immersed in an interactive exhibit where art and music collide. Be the band,
be the conductor, and be the artist!
The Interact with Art Gallery, located on the Museum’s upper level, is designed
for changing exhibitions that help children and adults explore art together. Real
artworks are paired with interactive exhibits created by DuPage Children’s Museum.
Children and their adult caregiver will have an opportunity to experience:
This stage experience is about exploring
the way instruments combine to make
music. Using the paintings as inspiration,
children can turn music on and off as they
interact with each instrument on a screen.
Two different backdrops are enhanced
with original compositions inspired by
the artwork. Children see themselves on
a screen interacting with instruments in
the artist’s scene. The more children,
the more the music comes together…
Children create their own painting while acting as a conductor to an orchestra. A child steps to a podium. In front of the child is a projected image of an orchestra. As the child starts the interaction, the orchestra fades out and colorful lines follow as the child conducts the music. Overhead a sound dome plays music specially composed for this exhibit by Mind Exchange Music.
The PVC pipe organ is a colorful instrument played by hitting a foam musical note “knocker” on the open PVC pipe at the base of the sculpture. Each pipe is tuned in a scale that can be played to create melodies and rhythms. What will you compose?