Scout Night Out | Friday, January 31
Students will learn about Iggy Peck, the architect, one of the beloved characters from Andrea Beaty’s Questioneers book series. They will then help Iggy’s class solve a problem by planning, building, and testing their own bridge design.
Student Challenge:
Explore the idea of the Engineering Design Cycle by being introduced to various real life engineers from around the world. Engage in the Engineering Design Cycle by designing and testing a bridge that helps Iggy Peck’s elementary school class get off an island and back to school.
Learning Outcomes:
NGSS Connections:
Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI) – PS2.A: Forces and Motion
Science & Engineering Practices (SEP) – Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
Crosscutting Concepts (CCC) – Structure and Function
Cross-Curricular Connections:
DCM Educators will bring out an Iggy Peck Bridge Testing Site, modeled after the scene in Andrea Beaty’s book, Iggy Peck Architect. Each student will receive individual materials to create a bridge design that meets specific specifications.
Cost per Classroom (up to 30 students)
* Include a Field Trip with your Arts & STEM with DCM Lab!
An additional $9.50 per student
Title 1 Schools: Inquire about potential funding support!