Scout Night Out | Friday, January 31

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DCM Dream Playground

Students will identify where pushes and pulls are used on a playground and will recommend what types of equipment should go into a new outdoor exhibit space at DCM. They will collaborate together to analyze LEGO® DUPLO playground models to determine how pushes and pulls are important forces on a playground. Students will then use this data to dream up a playground full of fun forces!  


Student Challenge:

Make observations of pushes and pulls across different real-word contexts. Building on those observations, analyze various playground equipment models to determine where forces like a push and a pull are used. Create a dream playground inspired by pushes and pulls. 


Learning Outcomes:

  • Explain the difference between a push and a pull.
  • Make observations to determine the effect pushes and pulls have on an object.
  • Collaboratively analyze different design solutions to identify if designs work as intended.


NGSS Connections:

Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI) – PS2.A: Forces and Motion

Science & Engineering Practices (SEP) – Analyzing and Interpreting Data 

Crosscutting Concepts (CCC) – Cause & Effect


Cross-Curricular Connections:

  • Common Core Math: MP.7: Look for and make use of structure
  • Common Core ELA: SL.1B: Build on others’ talk in conversations by linking their comments to the remarks of others
  • Social Emotional Learning: 2A: Recognize the feelings and perspectives of others / 2C:Use communication and social skills to interact effectively with others



DCM Educators will bring out LEGO® DUPLO Playground Model sets and a data recording sheet for each student. Additionally, groups of students will receive a set of LEGO® DUPLO blocks to play and design their own dream playground equipment.

More Information


1 session, 60 minutes


Additional Questions?

Email Us: [email protected]


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Cost per Classroom (up to 30 students)

  • At DCM* – $250
  • In Your Classroom – $350
    (additional cost for schools greater than 20 miles from DCM)

* Include a Field Trip with your Arts & STEM with DCM Lab!
  An additional $9.50 per student


Title 1 Schools: Inquire about potential funding support!


Thank you to our program supporters: