Scout Night Out | Friday, January 31
Every day our rituals and routines are packed full of rich opportunities for teachable math moments. In an effort to help make the math that occurs naturally in daily life visible to caregivers, and empower them to capitalize on these moments, we have created a series of short videos to equip you with the tools and language to talk about these moments.
The video we are sharing today challenges you to look at snack time through a different lens and make the most of a time that is rich with opportunities to support math learning.
Cooking experiences are also rich with opportunities to use math language – for example – if the recipe calls for 4 cups, you count as you measure. Serving food can also present opportunities to use important positional words, for example, “we are pouring the sauce on top of the pasta.”
Do you use meal times to engage your little ones in math? I would love to hear about it! Post a comment here or on our social media pages.