Family STEM Night - DuPage Children's Museum

Scout Night Out | Friday, January 31

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Family STEM Night

Extend classroom learning at your school — Invite families to participate.

Family Math Night
Grades K-5
A time for students and their parents to experience math together. Create a Geo-Mobile with 3D shapes, play Place Value Twister®, challenge each other to estimation games, and explore probability with a catapult! These are only a few of the many activities you may enjoy during this hands-on evening.


Family Science Night
Grades K-5
A time for students and their parents to experience science together. Explore the properties of air with pinwheels, play with bubbles filled with carbon dioxide, experience the world of tiny things with digital microscopes, and watch a pickle glow. These are only a few of the many activities you may enjoy during this hands-on evening.


Family Math and Science Night
Grades Pre-K-5
STEM fun for everyone! Bubbles, pinwheels, mobiles, and games – students and their parents can participate in some or all of the math and science activities we have to offer.


1 hour – $600
1.5 hours – $700
2 hours – $800
Book Today!
630.637.8000 x6150 or
[email protected]

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