DCM In The Community - DuPage Children's Museum

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DCM In The Community

May 12, 2015

By Sarah Orleans, DCM’s President & CEO

I can’t believe we are already well into spring and so much has happened since DuPage Children’s Museum experienced “Great Flood” back in January. We all know the saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” and that is exactly what we are doing.

Though our doors are temporarily closed, the good news is we will reopen this summer! And while we rebuild and repair, DCM continues to have a very strong presence in the community.

DCM@The Mall, continues to draw crowds, reaching new audiences and delighting all who visit. The Museum offsite staff are hard at work offering programs which include STEM Learning Labs for Pre-K through 5th grade students to meet new Early Learning Math and Science Standards; Play to Learn sessions, which are facilitated in area preschools and libraries with a focus on benefiting under-serviced audiences; Family Math or Science Nights, which allow children, teachers, childcare providers, and family members STEM-based learning opportunities; Professional Development workshop series, where professionals gather to learn new hands-on techniques to expand early learning outcomes in the classroom; and our frequent presence at some recent off-site events, including NCC International Festival, Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast, and YMCA Healthy Kids Day, to support local organizations with similar missions to support child and youth development.

With spring came the crews and designers involved in creating new exhibits and rebuilding the environments at DCM. This creative, hardworking team is working around the clock to get our doors open this summer. And, while all this is going on we are continuing our work on the strategic plan that will take us into the next decade.

Yes, it has been a very challenging first half of 2015, but it amazes me to see how supportive the entire community has been to all of us, and it gives us that additional burst of joy to be so cared about. It keeps us working hard. We miss the sounds of children and can’t wait until we open the doors to them and see the surprise and excitement in their faces. I can assure you, it will be worth the wait.

As new information becomes available, we will be certain to share it with all of you. We are grateful for the incredible support and look forward to seeing you all very soon.