StoryWalk® - DuPage Children's Museum

Back to School Bonanza | Saturday, August 10, 9–2

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July 1, 2015

It’s that time of year when communities all over the Chicagoland area are busy virtually every weekend with some sort of festival and rightfully so, it’s summer, the sun is shining, everybody wants to get outside and do something fun. One of the best parts of my job is getting to participate in these community events and share the power of learning through play with families all over DuPage County. One of my favorite events this summer is the StoryWalk done in collaboration with Naperville Public Library. This program is great way to merge the benefits of literacy, physical fitness, and play. This past Saturday was our first StoryWalk of the season and was located on the Riverwalk downtown. Children and their families began at the Riverwalk’s Grand Pavilion where they were given a map. As they followed the designated path they read pages from “Mouse Paint” by Ellen Stoll Walsh. At the end of the StoryWalk families were greeted by the Museum and our portable exhibits along with an art activity and a little snack. I loved seeing so many families enjoying reading and playing together. One of my favorite parts of the day was seeing the pride in many older siblings who read the book to their brothers and sisters.
We hope you will join us for the next StoryWalk at Knoch Knolls Nature Center on July 25th from 10am-2pm where families can come enjoy being outdoors while reading Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina. This story is one of my personal favorites to share with little ones. Below I have included some open-ended questions to use while reading this story with your child. I look forward to seeing you then!


  • How would you describe the peddler’s caps? (color, number of each, all together)
  • How would have to walk with that many caps on your head?
  • Where is the man going? What is he doing?
  • Do you think it is safe for him to sleep with all those caps on his head? What might happen?
  • What do you notice that is different about the peddler when he wakes up?
  • What do you think happened to the other caps? Why?
  • Where are his caps?
  • What do you think the peddler will do?
  • How could he get his caps back? How would you get your caps back?
  • What is the peddler doing?
  • What do you notice the monkeys doing?