Wings & Things - DuPage Children's Museum | STEM Labs

Love Bug Dance | Thursday, February 13

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Wings & Things

Students will experiment with a mini-pressure chamber to explore how air can impact objects. Students will use this new knowledge to examine the four forces of flight and design and test paper airplanes prototypes.

Student Challenge:

Learn about aerodynamics through key forces: thrust, weight, lift and drag. Use those observations to plan and carry out multiple paper airplane design trials.


Learning Outcomes:

  • Make observations on gravitational force and discover how a vacuum chamber impacts how different objects fall.
  • Plan and carry out an investigation to design a paper airplane prototype that best withstands the forces of gravity and drag.


NGSS Connections:

Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI) – 5-PS2-1: Forces and Interactions / ETS1-3: Developing Possible Solutions

Science & Engineering Practices (SEP) – Planning and Carrying Out Investigations

Crosscutting Concepts (CCC) – Cause & Effect


Cross-Curricular Connections:

  • Common Core Math – MP.7: Look for and make use of structure
  • Social Emotional Learning – 2A: Recognize the feelings and perspectives of others / 2C: Use communication and social skills to interact effectively with others



DCM Educators will support students in planning and facilitating fair tests of multiple paper airplane prototypes. Students will be able to test their designs in an airplane race.


More Information


1 session, 60 minutes


Additional Questions?

Email Us: [email protected]


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Cost per Classroom (up to 30 students)

  • At DCM* – $250
  • In Your Classroom – $350
    (additional cost for schools greater than 20 miles from DCM)

* Include a Field Trip with your Arts & STEM with DCM Lab!
  An additional $9.50 per student


Thank you to our program supporters: