Love Bug Dance | Thursday, February 13
Look at artwork with your child and ask these questions*:
*Visual Thinking Strategies, 2019 |
Just like talking about art, listening to and talking about music ignites all areas of children’s development. Asking questions about what you are hearing helps develop a greater appreciation for music.
Talk about art with your child and help them develop critical thinking skills!
Chicago Sinfonietta is a professional orchestra dedicated to modeling and promoting diversity, inclusion, and both racial and cultural equity in the arts through the universal language of symphonic music. Two of the featured compositions are from their album Project W. It is Chicago Sinfonietta’s initiative to highlight contemporary, diverse women composers through four commissioned works.
Mind Exchange Music is a sound production company featuring innovative and versatile post-audio, original music and music supervision services for film, TV, and experiential live productions. They produced several original songs inspired by artwork in Art Is Instrumental including a piece for Dawn’s Chorus, Four Musicians, and Delta Blues.
Chicago Sinfonietta and Maestro Chen photographs by Chris Ocken
Stuart Davis
1892 – 1964, Philadelphia, PA
Stuart Davis’ artwork was inspired by the improvisational character of jazz music. His use of color and shape was inspired by the notes and rhythm of the music.
Wassily Kandinsky
1866 – 1944, Russia
Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian painter and art theorist for whom music and color were connected. He had a condition called synesthesia, where he saw color when he heard music. He associated each music note with an exact hue.
Boaz Klachkin
Born 1953, Israel
A classical and jazz musician, Boaz Klachkin expresses himself through music, poetry, and brings math and science into much that he creates.
Stuart Davis
1892 – 1964, Philadelphia, PA
Stuart Davis based The Mellow Pad on an earlier piece of artwork and, like jazz, used improvisation to grow the artwork.
Joseph Catanzaro
Chicago, IL
Joseph Catanzaro combines his love of music, cartoons, comic books, and play with Pablo Picasso’s visual language of Cubism. Guitarists, blues, and jazz are his favorite themes.
David Ralph
Born 1964, Red Bank, NJ
David Ralph spends a lot of time thinking about the shapes and colors he will use to create his subject matter. Inspired by angles, arcs, and curves, he plays with an idea until the perfect combination of color and palette appears before him.
Marcus Glenn
Born 1968, Detroit, MI
Marcus Glenn paints right onto a board rather than canvas, which many artists use. Then he tears paper and fabric to build up his collage. Taking inspiration from God, humankind, and nature, Glenn believes that young artists should not allow creativity to be bottled up on the inside.
Michael Del Valle
Born 1970, Chicago, IL
Naperville Artist and DCM Member, Michael Del Valle describes the process of making art like putting together a puzzle. Each piece represents a layer; each layer represents a shape, a movement, an expression. The pieces are bound together and highlighted by vibrant colors, enhancing the overall experience.
James Marsh
Born 1946, England
James Marsh is a highly acclaimed illustrator, designer, artist, and author. He collaborated on projects for The Beatles and Andy Warhol. Dawn Chorus was featured as the cover art for an Album published in 2002 by the English pop and post-rock band, Talk Talk.
Pablo Picasso
1881 – 1973, Spain
Picasso is thought to have created over 50,000 works of art throughout his life, working in several different styles. This print is an example of abstract collage from the early beginnings of Cubism.
Susanne Clark
New Zealand
Susanne Clark’s vision is to reduce suffering upon this planet and create well-considered, uplifting, and authentic art and then have it go out into the world to bring joy and pleasure to others. Adam’s Cello is a joyful reflection from her Music Art series.
Don Stewart
Born 1959, Homewood, AL
Don Stewart studied medicine until he discovered his surgical residency clashed with his creative side. Now he spends his time creating artwork full of puns, sometimes taking as long as a year and a half to research his subject.
Artist Unknown
This linoprint is made by cutting an image into a block of linoleum, covering it in ink, and printing it onto paper or other material.
This work was obtained from creative commons:
Jeremy Kelty
Portland, Oregon